Online Booking System

Channel Manager is a very flexible online booking system in Australia that has provided you with the functionalities that other online booking systems did not give you. If you need a complex price manager, then Channel Manager has a very good one management system. You can also visit on:

Itemized Billing for Guest Invoice

We would like to introduce a new feature called “Itemized Billing” for your Guests Invoice. Now making it easier to add extra items to your guests account and it gives your guest an itemized account by date of all items purchased. Please watch our YouTube video on how it works. Watch Video click on below […]

Channel Manager – Getting you connected

ChannelManager is not just an Online Travel Agent Updater, is a complete property management system with many features including Online Travel Agent Updater, Booking Engine, Online Credit Card payment facility, Promotional Deals, Automatic Guest Notifications, and Property Management System – all in one user-friendly cloud-based system that can be accessed from any device for your […]

Hotels can now take Credit Card payments Online with Channel Manager

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You can now take Credit Card payment for guest staying at you Hotel directly through Channel Manager. There is no more need to pay monthly fees for having a credit card machine on you reception desk. You can take payments directly online. You can also take payment from your Online Travel Agent like Agoda, Expedia […]