Guests always have an expectation when making a reservation with your hotel and if the information or photos are not current then they may be disappointed. This many times can result in bad reviews.

Keeping your information up-to-date.

Guests will read the information and look at photos that you provide on your Online Travel Agents and your BookNow/Book & Pay Direct hotel booking website and so if you have made any changes about your hotel information, changes to your Cancellation Policy or made renovations it is very important that you keep everything updated. A lot of the time this does get forgotten and you should review the following on a regular basis. •

Please note that Channel Manager BookNow/Book & Pay Direct hotel booking website should display quality photos and requires photos to be no more than 512 kb in size and dimensions to be 800 x 600. This will avoid you having distorted or stretched and poor quality display on your website.

If you need more information then please contact your Channel Manager Representative in your area.

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