Today’s hotel guests are booking hotel accommodation online through booking websites like, and Agoda. The reason is that it is fast and easy to confirm your hotel reservations and no waiting for hotel to call or email you if they have room available. Having to email reply or call guest to confirm availability it time consuming and also leaves guest waiting for hotels reply. Most guests if they cannot book and get instant booking availability from hotel will then leave hotel website and book on one of the above online booking website costing you the hotel business owner money in booking fees.
This is why your need Channel Manager BookNow link on your Hotel Website and Facebook Page. The Guest can see what rooms you have available at a glance and at what price and allow guests to get instant booking confirmation 24 hours a day 7 day a week. It’s like having your own personal 24 hour a day online receptionist. It also makes good business sense to promote your own website and ask guests returning to book direct with your hotel to build your business and clientele. Another good tip is to have hotel business card made with you hotel website on it asking guest next time they visit to book direct with hotel. Channel Manager BookNow link has many extra features such as the ability to add Google Analytics tracking so you can see the demographic of guests looking at your website this allowing you to better target your market to specific locations and age and gender groups.
With our BookNow link you can also add many incentive guest promotions. Promotions like the Longer you stay the less you pay promotion, Stay 3 nights and get the 3 night free Promotion, Last minute Promotions, Advance Booking Promotions and also General Promotion code you can give to guest as a reward for staying with you.
Channel Manager continues to build useful tools for hotels to build and promote your hotel business.
If you need further information about Channel Manager Products please contact our Representative in your area or you can email on